The synergy of Vigore Eco and Vigore Activador de Suelos achieves a great root system


The use of Vigore Eco in combination with Vigore Activador de Suelos begins to have an effect on crops. As can be seen in the images, the synergy of these two products of our Vigore range, one of the most demanded, generates a great root system in plants such as zucchini. This rooting effect allows the farmer to grow a crop with guarantees.

Let remember that the Vigore Eco product has a large quantity of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, nutrients and active principles that help the plant to grow naturally. For its part, Vigore Activador de Suelos has a probiotic action and helps the transformation of organic matter, the formation of humus, the natural synthesis of phytohormones and the decomposition of sugars.

It is important to point out that both products are innocuous, natural and respectful with the environment, they have important nutritional effects and their application is economic and simple. Vigore Activador de Suelos and Vigore Eco are, without a doubt, a guarantee of success in agriculture.

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