Novasys takes care of your crops in Summer


The heat knocks on the door, ending some harvests and starting the production of many other fruits and vegetables. In Almería, long cycle crops, such as tomato and pepper, are giving way to more typical of the summer products, such as melon and watermelon.

In Novasys we start our season in Huelva, Extremadura and Portugal with the cultivation of strawberries, red fruits, lettuces, industrial tomatoes and cereals.

All our products are organic fertilizers tested on all types of crops with really good results. Our fertilizers have been proven to contribute to the optimum growth of the fruit, maintaining the traditional smell and flavour of the fruit and vegetables. It is important to highlight the great qualities of Vigore Eco, which helps crops to combat thermal stress, both when it is very cold and when the heat increases. In addition to preventing the products from suffering the consequences of temperature changes, Vigore Eco acts as a fortifier and promoter of plant growth, achieving higher and better quality fruit.

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